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Identity Verification Doesn’t End with Onboarding

In the digital economy, businesses need effective identity verification to distinguish between good users and bad actors — yet this need extends far beyond customer onboarding of a new account. Risk of an identity can change in an instant if that identity comes under attack — meaning a returning consumer may not maintain the same level of trust they did at onboarding. How do you know that the previously verified driver is the one currently turning on the ride share app to go pick up passengers? Is the user who’s about to transfer a lot of money out of an account the named account holder? 

When onboarding a new account, identity verification asks two crucial questions:

  1. Are you a real person? 
  2. Are you who you say you are? 

While effective onboarding programs screen out the synthetic identities and bad actors, they cannot prevent future attempts of bad actors trying to gain access to established accounts.  Fraudsters are evolving their tactics, using AI at scale to deploy sophisticated techniques like deepfakes and synthetic identities to bypass security measures. Protecting the business  platform from infiltration and preventing customer account takeover requires that the system has the ability to ask a third crucial question: 

3. Are you still who you said you were?

Legacy programs attempt to answer this third question with disjointed authentication solutions for returning consumers. But this approach prevents a holistic and dynamic view of an identity.

It’s critical to reverify and confirm the authenticity of a customer’s identity after it has already been verified previously. Reverification is typically done when there are security concerns, such as suspicious activity or changes to account details, or when a long period of time has passed since the initial identity verification. 

Remote digital identity verification solutions are used to reverify the identity by comparing new identity information or biometric data with previously verified records. 

Reverification provides a layer of protection to ensure the person attempting to access an account or execute a transaction is still the legitimate verified customer, enhancing security and protecting against fraud. Reverification serves as a critical step in maintaining trust and safeguarding user accounts from evolving threats.

Socure Adds Selfie Reverification with Deepfake Detection to Document Verification Solution

Socure’s new Selfie Reverification is a fast, fully automated biometric solution that ensures a previously verified user requesting access to services is the same individual verified at onboarding. Tightly integrated with Socure’s Predictive Document Verification (DocV) solution, Selfie Reverification confirms that the user is still who they said they were by linking a user’s selfie back to a previously verified ID document with unmatched accuracy and speed. 

This looks like:

  • 98% accuracy in liveness detection 
  • 99% success rate for first attempt selfie capture
  • 10 seconds or less for selfie capture and submittal
  • 99.9% selfie-to-headshot comparison accuracy
  • Less than 2 seconds time to verify match  

The backbone of the Selfie Reverification solution is DocV, which goes beyond reverifying the validity of a presented ID by examining the correlation and risk related to the identity behind the credential. 

With advanced forensic technology, a comprehensive identity graph, and innovative fraud models, DocV delivers over 98% accuracy, conclusive responses on 95% of submissions with a response time under 2 seconds, and a customer experience that includes guided capture and accessibility.

Innovations Means Instant Decisions and Deepfake Detection

When it comes to post-onboarding, Selfie Reverification helps businesses safeguard both their platform and their end users from potential threats. Selfie Reverification includes DocV’s biometric capabilities,such as:

  • Biometric liveness check

Each selfie undergoes a liveness check that is Level 2 NIST PAD compliant to make sure there’s a live person behind the device, instead of a photo, generated still, or a moving image. The check delivers 98% accuracy in liveness detection.

  • Deepfake detection

To effectively detect fraudulent identity attacks such as spoofing, hundreds of thousands of deepfake samples were carefully curated to train Socure’s AI models. Using more than 20 AI generators, the Socure team assembled a data set representing a diverse range of body shapes, ages, skin tones, postures, lighting conditions, backgrounds, and ethnicities. The biometric analytics assess more than 80 facial landmarks including eye distance, nose width, jawline contours, and emotional expression to create and verify a facial map to ensure accurate matching.

deepfake detection
  • Age discrepancy

Socure’s in-house AI model checks to ensure that the estimated age of the person in the selfie matches the expected age from the ID document captured at the time of onboarding to provide an additional layer of protection.

  • Capture app

The Socure SDK’s embedded capture app provides intuitive on-screen instructions to guide a user thoughtfully through the selfie reverification process. The real-time feedback mitigates issues with camera angle, portrait positioning, and poor lighting to ensure the selfie is high quality. The guidance helps deliver a 99% success rate for first-time photo capture, and compliance with WCAG 2.1 enhances accessibility to provide support to people with disabilities.

Key Benefits of Selfie Reverification:

  • User friendly

Selfie Reverification offers a rapid and reliable biometric assessment, ensuring that only authentic users gain access. Its user-friendly interface provides intuitive on-device instructions, resulting in a 99% first-time capture success rate. This high success rate means most users don’t need to take multiple selfies to obtain a quality image. Additionally, the passive liveness check adds a robust layer of defense against sophisticated threat actors.

  • Enhanced account protection

Facial biometrics are unique to each individual and extremely difficult to spoof. A layered approach to identity verification, incorporating biometric verification, offers the highest level of protection. By using Selfie Reverification, businesses can reverify users’ identities with unparalleled confidence. 

  • Just-in-time verification

With Selfie Reverification, businesses have a reliable solution for maintaining the integrity of user identities and protecting sensitive information. It enables businesses across multiple industries including financial services, gaming and gambling, eCommerce, and the sharing economy to lower costs associated with identity theft while providing a customer centric experience that builds trust and long term loyalty.

Strategic Business Benefits

Selfie Reverification provides a much needed layer of identity protection without introducing complexity so businesses can strengthen customer loyalty and trust. Verifying that the customer’s identity remains consistent from initial onboarding throughout their journey helps  businesses address several critical security and operational needs:

Account Takeover prevention 

Selfie Reverification can fortify account takeover defenses by triggering a reverification step when unusual account activity is detected that can lead to a fraudster gaining control of the account.

Protection of high risk transactions

Large financial transactions and wire transfers are high risk activities that can potentially be initiated by someone that is not the account owner. Selfie Reverification provides a critical layer of protection to ensure only authorized users can perform these activities, protecting against fraud and saving consumers from devastating financial losses.

Account lock-out

Selfie Reverification provides recovery in an instant for users that are locked out of their account or need to recover access. The high speed capture and accurate matching reduces customer friction and operational costs typically resulting from traditional account recovery methods.

Driver ID and loyalty programs

Selfie Reverification can serve rideshare businesses that need to periodically re-verify drivers’ identities as well as efficiently welcome loyalty members such as hotel guests at check-in via a selfie that provides a fast and user-friendly approach.

Fortifying Digital Trust: Socure’s Selfie Reverification Redefines Ongoing Identity Protection

Across a wide variety of use cases, Socure’s Selfie Reverification delivers robust biometric verification to prevent unauthorized access to platforms and accounts at critical points beyond the initial screening at onboarding. By leveraging advanced AI and machine learning technologies, Selfie Reverification adapts to emerging threats, providing businesses with a dynamic defense against sophisticated fraud attempts.

To learn more, check out our Selfie Reverification webinar here

Paul Wiederkehr

Paul Wiederkehr is a Director of Product Marketing Manager at Socure. He has more than 20 years of experience focused on collaborating and building relationships to develop awareness and pipeline.