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At Socure, your privacy is our priority, and we provide the following ways to exercise your data rights, as outlined in our Global Privacy Statement:

  • Online Data Rights Form on our website 
  • Dedicated Privacy Phone Line: 1-888-690-3709
  • Email to
  • Other Means such as through our GDPR representatives in the UK or EU

The information you submit to exercise your data rights is retained for no longer than 7 calendar days, except that we need to keep certain records to prove compliance with the law. When you exercise your data rights, we will send you a message acknowledging receipt. Here is more information about what happens next. 


Our team will review applicable law and attempt to verify your identity using the information you provided to us.  If we are unable to fulfill your request at this stage, we will email you to ask for additional information before we can proceed. 


During this phase, we use the information you provide to us to evaluate whether you are a real person presenting their real personal data. 

If your request is flagged for suspected fraud, we will inform you by email and close the request. If your request cannot be verified or shows indicators of possible identity theft or compromise, we will ask you to submit a government-issued identity document and selfie for additional verification. 


Once your identity is verified, we will search our data to determine whether we have information about you. If we do, we will fulfill your request by, for example, providing you with a copy of your information, deleting your information from the relevant systems, updating incorrect information about you, or ensuring you do not receive unwanted communications. 

Access Requests: Prior to sending you a file of personal information in response to an access request, we will ask you to submit a government-issued identity document and selfie for additional verification. Once you complete document verification, we will send you an email with a password-protected and encrypted file that contains your information in a format that is easily readable by a human or a machine. If you have any questions or have trouble accessing the file, please email us at We’re here to help. 


Once we have fulfilled your request, we will send you a final communication to confirm that your request has been fulfilled and deemed complete. If we are unable to fulfill your request, we will email you with an explanation.


At Socure, we are dedicated to safeguarding your personal data and making the process of exercising your data privacy rights as straightforward as possible. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please visit our Global Privacy Statement or contact us at

We appreciate your trust and are committed to protecting your privacy every step of the way.


Socure is the leading platform for digital identity verification and trust. Its predictive analytics platform applies artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques with trusted online/offline data intelligence from email, phone, address, IP, device, velocity, and the broader internet to verify identities in real time.